05 April 2006

crazy people

you know, some people are just CRAZY. unapologetically, obstinately crazy. it's like they were given a different rulebook and a different dictionary at birth, and they grew up in the world with everyone else (a mixture of various types of crazy people and sane people), where ostensibly in the same society there are some shared values, shared mores, shared social cues and customs. but somehow, the crazy people turn out crazy. words don't have the same connotation with them. they interpret your actions differently than most, and believe the meaning of their own words and actions are wildly different than the way most people would interpret them. how does this happen?!!

the clue to determine if someone is just being a pain in the ass or being crazy: you cannot tell a crazy person they are crazy. they will never budge from their obstinate belief that everyone else is wrong, or at least the firm view that they are totally right or within the bounds of normalcy; whereas a relatively sane person will AT LEAST consider another point of view.

you just can't tell a crazy person they're crazy.


Matty said...

I know, crazy people wouldn't be crazy if they understood they were crazy. I deal with the public all day, and let me tell you, someone should tag and collar all these looneys tunes. They're Everywhere. I spent 45 minutes yesterday trying to explain stuff to someone who I think has mashed potatoes for a brain. But I did get a bow from him at the end of the 45 minutes! ha ha ha

JB said...

i was thinking maybe it was a BOW (rhymes with whoa)--like the thing on the top of a present. but now i enjoy thinking mashed potato brains bowed and gave matty a bow at the same time. if it was emperor of the sea, he would have bowed slowly and extended his arms straight out in front of him holding the tiny bow (let's say it was yellow) in both hands. hahahahahahaha... OR in true emperor of the sea style, maybe matty got a BOW (like, with arrows) from the crazy guy. now THAT would be crazy!