28 May 2006

memorial day


Today is ours; let's live it.
And love is strong; let's give it.
A song can help; let's sing it.
And peace is dear; let's bring it.
The past is gone; don't rue it.
Our work is here; let's do it.
The world is wrong; let's right it.
The battle is hard; let's fight it.
The road is rough; let's clear it.
The future vast; don't fear it.
Is faith asleep; let's wake it.
Today is ours; let's take it!


i wonder about everything. serious. tangential. doesn't matter. endless wondering.

i wonder if this means i have ADD.

26 May 2006

poor form, vol. II

all right, i'm not a man-hater. i'm not a sweeping-generalizer. but the time has come for me to log in on the bad behavior of grown men. dating can be hard. dating can be easy. sometimes we excel at it, sometimes we can't hit the flint to stone and get anything started if our lives depend on it. but here's the thing--why can't people just be straight up? sure, the game, the chase, the allure of untapped potential when you meet someone you like--all good. some guy out there in y-chromosome land, please just tell me WHY you can't conduct yourselves on the up n' up?

meet a guy. you give guy your number. guy calls. you invite guy out to rockin' event where you and friends are gathered. guy comes. is attentive. is sweet. reveals facts about his life. you reveal facts about your life. you laugh. you dance. you flirt. there is hand holding. phrases are uttered like, "you are awesome!" "that is so cool!" "i am having a great night! good music. good friends. pretty girl." finally all friends leave and you ask the guy if he needs a ride home. you drive him home, have some snogging in the car which is mutually enjoyed. you talk a bit about past girls/boys. you decline an invite to go up to his apartment because, after all, you just met 4 hours ago. the guy says, "i really like you so far." (note that "so far" implies there will be something MORE in the future.) nice evening. you text the guy the next day. he texts you back within two minutes. then, NOTHING. no calls. no texts. no emails. zip.

guys. this is POOR FORM! oh, such Poor Form. what's the deal there? it is FINE if you want to weave a game to see if you can get a girl in the sack. it's done. that's fine. girls do it too. BUT, if that's what you're looking for, why reply to a text the next day if you struck out and you have no more interest? or if you are looking for something more serious too, and you liked the girl, why text her back if you aren't going to call and see her again? so LAME LAME LAME. Poor Form. You know the rules.

The world would be a better place if people would just try to be a bit more empathetic, put themselves in the shoes of others, and if everyone was down with the Golden Rule.

22 May 2006

then and now

these words are from mario savio's memorable speech, before Free Speech Movement demonstrators entered sproul hall on the UC-Berkeley campus to begin their sit-in on december 3, 1964:

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

when will we decide it is time again to throw our bodies upon the gears? complacency. apathy. passivity. all enemies of a true democracy.

12 May 2006

summer of opportunity

people, it is the summer of opportunity!! do not let one moment be wasted. do not hesitate to think what others will think. when an opportunity arises, SEIZE IT immediately! meet new people! never be without a business card, or a slip of paper with your name and number on it! writing down the digits is a production, and there are new friends and love interests waiting to be cultivated and fostered. if you are at a party and you talk to someone for 34 seconds and you like them, give them your number and tell them to call you sometime! if you are walking down the street and you see someone whose shoes you admire, tell them so and ask them if they want to get a coffee! you come with nothing, so you have nothing to lose. get busy! be active, not passive! take advantage of this SUMMER OF OPPORTUNITY!

06 May 2006

poor form

the following behaviors are blatant examples of "Poor Form" and should not be tolerated by civilized persons. everyone fouls up on occasion. however, if you are habitually a victim of one of or a combination of these social snubs as performed by a particular person, take stock! it is probable that this person holds no regard for your feelings and/or is knowingly inconsiderate.

1. double-booking.
there are two modes of double-booking. in the first mode, the person has plans with you and then a different opportunity arises and they completely cancel on you. in the second mode, the person makes plans with you and then abruptly ends your social time together early in order to catch up with and end their evening with anther person(s).

2. b-list invitations.
for example, the person has 2 tickets and since their FIRST choice of guest can't make it, they ask YOU as their second choice. you've just been b-listed.

3. last minute cancellations.
barring a death, accident, or last minute acute illness, 24-hours-notice is necessary for any cancellation to be any any way acceptable. the less notice that is given for a cancellation, the worse the offense. any ditch within 6 hours of the event (without appropriate death/accident excuse) is egregious.